Rescue Your Eyes Whenever, Wherever
Optimize Safety with Complete Emergency Shower & Eyewash System in your Workplace
Most workplace and laboratory designers often face the dilemma: what type of emergency equipment should I install? The need for emergency showers or eyewash stations is based on the properties of the chemicals that workers use and the tasks that they do in the workplace. A job hazard analysis can provide an evaluation of the potential hazards of the job and the work areas. The selection of protection — emergency shower, eyewash or both — should match the hazard.
In collaborative workplace safety systems, providing both plumbed and portable eyewash systems are getting increasingly important. As industrial and workplace systems are getting more complex, experts and regulators stress their concerns about safety. Configuring bare minimum shower & eyewash systems may give a company a sense of comfort, having provided just enough equipment for the safety of their employees. However, this may overlook other potential occupational hazards.
Use Case & Solution
For example, eye-related accidents may occur where the victim cannot access the plumbed system due to injury or the working area layout. In order to maintain safe and secure operations, both plumbed and portable emergency eyewash stations should be established within the area. There is an increased demand in modern industrial workplaces to provide these systems simultaneously. A solution to this problem would be combining both systems in the workplace.
Simply attach the PLUM portable eyewash to your fixed unit of emergency shower and eyewash. By attaching the portable eyewash bottle, employees can grab the bottle and use it in case of an accident in the immediate work area.